Basic Wildfire Prevention
Wildfire preparedness is an attitude. It’s something that should be considered all year long. Below are some critical maintenance measures that you can get in the habit of doing to improve your safety.
Maintenance to Help Protect Your Home and Property
1. Clean roofs and gutters • Inspect these areas at least twice a year
2. Replace any loose or missing shingles or roof tiles to prevent ember penetration • IBHS recommends you install a Class A fire-rated roof
3. Repair damaged or loose window screens and any broken windows • Tempered glass, dual-pane windows are preferred
4. Enclose eaves, fasciae, soffits, and vents to keep embers out • Use 1/8-inch mesh to cover vents, and box-in open eaves to create a soffited eave
5. Protect attachments like decks, porches, and patios from ember exposure • Apply an exterior siding product around edges and to the bottom of the support joists
6. Do not connect wooden fencing directly to structures • New fences should be made of noncombustible or ignition-resistant materials (masonry, metal, heavy timber, or fire retardant pressure treated wood)
7. Keep firewood and storage tanks away from structures
Source: Mutual of Enumclaw
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