Commercial Auto Insurance – Getting Registered as a Tow Truck Operator
A registered tow truck operator endorsement is required if your business:
- transports, impounds, or stores unauthorized vehicles.
- disposes of abandoned vehicles.
- A $5,000 bond.
- The name of the principal on the bond must be exactly the same as both the business owner name and the business firm name.
- All bonds must be signed by the applicant and the attorney-in-fact for the bonding company.
- Bonds are available through many insurance companies. We recommend you research the cost of your bond before you apply for a license.
- A driver list, with the names and addresses of all employees who will drive a tow truck.
- Insurance
- $100,000 liability for bodily injury or property damage.
- $50,000 legal liability against damage to vehicles while they are in your custody.
- A facilities and equipment inspection
- You must arrange to have all your business facilities and equipment inspected by the Washington State Patrol before submitting your license application.
- Submit the inspection report with your application.
Tow truck requirements
Each tow truck must have a valid permit.
Post your license
A license must be posted at each location where the licensee operates. You may not begin this business activity until you receive a Business License listing the required endorsement(s).
After you receive your license
- You’ll need a contract with us to search vehicle registration information.
- You must report to us when you impound a vehicle or sell an abandoned vehicle.
How to apply
Apply by using one of the following options:
- Online with My DOR. My DOR works best with Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome.
- Login using your Secure Access Washington (SAW) user ID. If you don’t have a user ID or aren’t sure, see if you have an account first before signing up.
- Once logged in, add My DOR to your list of services, then open My DOR.
- Follow the steps below based on your business status.
If you do not have an existing business- Click File Business License Application. Be sure to select the endorsements for which you wish to apply.
If you have an existing business
- If you haven’t already, add access to your business. You’ll need a UBI number and letter ID.
- Click on the business you want to apply for a license/endorsement under, then click on the location.
- Click Add License Endorsements/Employees.
You can pay using an E–check or a major credit card (gift cards can’t be used).
Find more help for using My DOR, including video tutorials.
- By mail
- Complete the following
- Business License Application
- Vehicle, Vessel, Vehicle Manufacturer, Registered Tow Truck Operator, or Wrecker Bond
- Vehicle Transport/Disposal Addendum (Complete the following sections Page 1: A and B; Page 2: A and B)
- Registered Tow Truck Operator Official Fees
- Original Tow Truck-Business-Operator-Equipment Inspection Report Form. The inspecting officer from the Washington State Patrol will give you this form when your facilities and equipment are inspected.
- Mail your completed forms with a check or money order payable to “Department of Revenue” for the fees to:
State of Washington
Business Licensing Service
PO Box 9034
Olympia, WA 98507-9034
- Complete the following
Specialty endorsement | Fee |
Registered Tow Truck Operator | $100 |
Tow truck permit | $50 each |
Registered Tow Truck Operator Branch | No fee |
Other fees that may apply | Fee |
Registering your business name as trade name | $5 |
Business License Application | $19 (non-refundable) |
Regulatory questions
Department of Licensing
Dealers Division
Phone: 360-664-6466
Source: State of Washington – Business Licensing Service
To get a quote for your Tow Truck Insurance contact us today!
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